Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Don't let shoulder pain stop your game - get the Rotater!

All too often we hear about golfers suffering from rotator cuff injuries. We honestly feel that with a little bit of flexibility and strength training these injuries can be avoided, or at the very least reduced.

One of the best tools we’ve ever come across is The Rotater developed by Chris Melton and Scott Kay of Joint Mechanix.

Granted, some injuries simply cannot be avoided-for instance an injury incurred due to participation in a contact sport-but, the likelihood can be reduced with proper training. The Rotater allows for just that. This device is an easy to use tool that makes stretching and strengthening the muscles of the rotator cuff a breeze. Once you understand how to properly use this tool (that takes all of about 5 minutes after watching the short video provided with the Rotater) all it takes is about 10-15 minutes of implementing the stretches and strength exercises to gain the benefit of these movements.

What is the Rotator Cuff?

The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that connect the upper arm to the shoulder blade.

The muscles (S.I.T.S. is the way to remember them according to the previously mentioned A&P classes) and their respective functions are:
  • Supraspinatus - abduction of the upper arm (i.e. raises it to the side of the body)
  • Infraspinatus - external rotation of the upper arm (i.e. rotates it toward the backside of the body)
  • Teres minor - external rotation of the upper arm (i.e. rotates it toward the backside of the body)
  • Subscapularis - internal rotation of the upper arm (i.e. rotates it toward the front of the body)

All four of the muscles function to stabilize the shoulder joint.

The Rotater is a simple tool that allows for stretching and strengthening the internal and external rotation function through multiple angles.

We’ve been testing this device for quite some time now and are very impressed so far. It only takes a couple of minutes of playing around with it to become comfortable with how it operates.

The device comes with a wrist strap (which you need for the stretching exercises), the strong-arm band which can be easily adjusted to provide more or less tension depending on your strength levels, an instruction sheet, and a DVD that gives a great overview of the shoulder joint, the function of the rotator cuff muscles, and directions for using the Rotater to stretch and strengthen the rotator cuff.

The video basically demonstrates three positions each for stretching the internal and external rotation function and three positions each for strengthening the internal and external rotation function. Once you get accustomed to these basic movements, the video encourages you to explore other arm positions since the shoulder is not static.

Who is The Rotater good for? Everyone! Certainly golfers will benefit from this device, but anyone else, regardless of your sport or fitness levels, will as well. It is a highly effective, very easy to use, and inexpensive piece of equipment that will provide tremendous benefits if you use it consistently. We recommend it highly!

Click here to visit our store and purchase your own Rotater!

-EP Golf

Monday, December 22, 2014

Healthy Habit Building Tips to Improve Your Golf Game: #6 Use a Foam Roller

In May 2013, Golf Digest published a great article describing a 42 point, six week get fit plan

We’re expanding on the points and adding insights and perspectives. The list was authored by Ben Shear, who trains many of the game's top players, including Luke Donald, Jason Day and Webb Simpson. Embrace his suggestions, and it won't be long before you look better, feel better and, yes, play better golf.

Buy a $12 foam roller, and knead the muscles of your body three times a week while you watch TV--especially your hips. Click here to get your foam roller now!

Good hip and spine mobility benefits everyone, especially golfers. Hip and spine mobility provide the foundations for a powerful and explosive golf swing. It helps relieve our backs from the stress of sitting behind a desk all day and from every day bending over to pick things up. Our hips are the hinge point upon which most activity depends. Keeping them flexible and capable through their entire range of motion will benefit your swing and reduce your chance of injury.
Foam rolling is a form of self-massage. Muscles and other soft and connective tissue can become damaged or inflamed due to injuries. Golfers place stresses on the shoulders, neck, back, hips, legs, and feet which can result in injury and inflammation.

Injuries stimulate the body to create scar tissue. Scar tissue forms in concentrated areas of muscles and connective tissue and does not stretch like healthy muscle tissue. Thus scar tissue cannot be easily repaired using flexibility and mobility exercises and often requires more intense therapy. A massage therapist or other soft tissue therapist can be very beneficial for treating muscles with scar tissue.

Not all golfers have access to visit a soft tissue or massage therapist when needed, so foam rolling provides an excellent alternative. Foam rolling is a very effective form of tissue therapy. It is also a great way to increase the benefits gained from the work performed by soft tissue and massage therapists.
The basic foam roller soft tissue work is simple. We include foam roller movements for the glutes, hip flexors, IT Band (side of the hip), hamstrings, calves, back, and lats in the ep-golf fitness program. Click here to join the EP Golf Club and get access t the entire EP Golf Fitness Program!

You may initially hurt a little bit and feel minor pains in some spots and your back may crack a few times. You’re tenderizing and loosening tight spots and possible minor scar tissue. Make sure to roll slowly and pause over any areas that feel especially tight or sore. Going up and down gently over short distances and then moving on to a different spot, rather than just doing a few quick sweeps, can be beneficial.

The movements are easy to do while watching TV and make you feel great. Start a foam rolling habit and feel better through the week and during your round.

-EP Golf

Monday, December 15, 2014

Healthy Habit Building Tips to Improve Your Golf Game: #5 Take the Stairs

In May 2013, Golf Digest published a great article describing a 42 point, six week get fit plan

 We’re expanding on the points and adding insights and perspectives. The list was authored by Ben Shear, who trains many of the game's top players, including Luke Donald, Jason Day and Webb Simpson. Embrace his suggestions, and it won't be long before you look better, feel better and, yes, play better golf.

Take the stairs; two at a time if you can.

The fact is that most of us spend a large percent of our lives in an office or at a desk. We stay in the same location most of each work day, which isn’t helping our general fitness level or our golf games. Even if you cannot find time for a strenuous daily workout, you can use the environment around you during the day to help tone your body and prepare it for the weekend round. You can be active around the office and you can do it so no really notices. A simple way to incorporate beneficial activity into your daily routine is to take advantage of the stairways.

Stairways are accessible throughout the day either at the office or in shopping areas. Sometimes you must look for them beside or behind the elevators. They provide quick benefits because the elevation change requires additional effort to scale them as you climb. The best way to achieve fitness benefit from the stairs is to take them whenever you have the opportunity. Take them two at a time to increase the workload a bit. That single action during each day can provide improvements to your body and your heart which will enhance the preparation for your weekend round.

If you want to do more, you can try Stair Jumps. Jumping up the stairs increases difficulty for your muscles and heart and the associated benefit. Plyometric movements like jumping help increase the body’s ability to generate explosive force which is necessary for long drives and iron shots.

Another way to increase difficulty (and benefit) is to climb the stairs with some type of load in your hands. Take the stairs while carrying a box of paper or your brief case or your computer backpack. Adding some load to the stair walk can get your breathing and heart rate up a little more. A third way to utilize the stairs is to increase the intensity by sprinting up the stairs. If you don’t want to feel self-conscious, simply use the excuse that you’re late for an important meeting.

Using the stairs on a daily basis is a simple, effective way to prepare your body for golf and gain an edge on the course.

-EP Golf

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Golf Swing Conditioning and Habit Building – Follow Through

Explosive Golf, Using the Science of Kinesiology to Improve Your Swing is a book by Dr. Michael Yessis that demonstrates ways to enhance your physical approach and understanding of swing mechanics though golf focused training movement.  Try incorporating these routines with your functional fitness work as prescribed by ep golf and build your golf foundation for performance improvement.

Follow Through – The follow through carries maximum club head speed through the contact area to ensure delivery of power to the ball.  Ideally, it keeps the club head in contact with the ball for the longest possible time in order to deliver the greatest force to the ball.  Cutting the follow through short or trying to stop the club early will reduce both distance and accuracy.  Momentum is responsible for club movement during the follow through but specific muscles are stretched in order to slow the club down.  As the muscles stretch, they develop tension with the ever increasing range of motion until the club is stopped at the end of the swing.

Right (trailing) Arm Horizontal Adduction - In the downswing, the right (trailing) arm moves down and across the body (adduction) and then up and across during the follow through.  The muscles on the back of the right (trailing) shoulder and arm play an important role in slowing the club during the follow through and other phases of the golf swing.  They play roles in enabling a compact backswing and proper arm rotation during the downswing.  They can become injured in the follow through due to the very powerful stretch that they experience.  Also, they are small and usually under-developed which also contributes to potential injury.

  • Standing Row - click on the link below to view the video.  A good exercise to strengthen the muscles involved in the follow through is the standing row.  Attach a flex band approximately shoulder high and grasp the end with the arms extended and tension on the band.  Stabilize the body and pull the handle back by bending the elbow.  Keep the arm in line with the shoulders and pull the elbow beyond the back to fully contract the muscles.  Slowly return to the initial position keeping the movement under control.
Side Bending – A powerful weight shift and hip turn will generate spinal side bending in the flow through.  If the range of motion exceeds your capabilities or the proper sequence of actions is disrupted, back injury may occur.  The muscles of the core and lower back provide stability to the spine and help prevent injury that may occur due to unexpected forces encountered during the swing and follow through.

  • Side Bend without Hip Slide - click on the link below to view the video.  A simple exercise to strengthen the core and lower back muscles involved in the follow through is the side bend using either flex bands or a dumbbell.  When using flex bands, stand with one end of the band firmly secured under your feet.  Hold the other end on the same side of the body with the band under tension.  Bend to the opposite side as far as possible keeping the hips in place.  Return slowly to the original position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions then repeat on the other side.
  • Side Bend with Hip Slide - click on the link below to view the video.  A more advanced version of the side bend adds a lateral hip slide as you bend to the side.  Start with a well-balanced stance while holding a dumbbell in one hand.  Lower the shoulders and shift the hips as far as possible away from the arm holding the dumbbell.  After reaching the bottom, inhale and raise the trunk up and over toward the other side as far as possible.  For greater stretch and strengthening, execute the movement with the arms overhead while holding a light dumbbell and preform the movement through the greatest possible range of motion.
Spinal Hyperextension – At the completion of the follow through, the swing ends with the back in a reverse-C curve with a hyperextended spine.  If the finish is correct, the hips are forward and the shoulders are back.  This position requires a strong core and lower back to safely and effectively execute. 

  • GHD or Stability Ball Sit ups - click on the link below to view the video. This movement may be performed on a Glute Ham Development machine if available or a large exercise ball.  Start in a seated position and secure the feet under the foot supports of the GHD or under a solid object or furniture (if performing on a large ball).  Cross the hands over the chest and roll the ball and hips forward as you lie back.  In the final position, the lower back arching should duplicate or go slightly beyond the amount of arch you experience in the follow through.  After reaching the lowest position, tighten the core muscles to sit back up to the original position.  Pause and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Backward Overhead Medicine Ball Toss - click on the link below to view the video. This movement is a good exercise for developing the lower back and using the core to control the amount of reverse-C achieved at follow through.  Start in a standing stance position holding a medicine ball in extended arms in front of the body.  Slightly flex the legs and bend forward at the waist while maintaining normal spine curvature.  Go into a squat, inhale, and forcefully extend the trunk and legs while driving the ball upward with straight arms.  Release the ball over your head as the body is fully extended and you go into the reverse-C position.  Toss the ball easily at first and add speed and power as you progress.
Incorporate these golf specific and other core and lower back movements into your weekly activity routines.  Developing core and lower back strength will add distance and accuracy to your shots while reducing chances of back injury and pain.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Golf Swing Conditioning and Habit Building – Downswing (Part 2 of 2)

Explosive Golf, Using the Science of Kinesiology to Improve Your Swing is a book by Dr. Michael Yessis that demonstrates ways to enhance your physical approach and understanding of swing mechanics though golf focused training movement.  Try incorporating these routines with your functional fitness work as prescribed by ep golf and build your golf foundation for performance improvement.

Downswing – the downswing is the most important element of the golf swing.  It’s the element where we generate the power and explosiveness and transmit energy to the ball.  We must generate the maximum amount of controlled force with the downswing to create maximum club head speed at impact of the ball.  We must integrate strength, flexibility, power, and speed in order to produce the best possible explosive swing.

Part 1 of the downswing focused on the primary large muscle groups which generate the primary power for an explosive downswing.  Part 2 highlights the smaller but still important muscles of the wrist, arms, and fingers which enable us to strike the ball solidly at contact.

Wrist Roll – after the trailing arm straightens, the arms are held essentially straight and the hands turn as a result of the arm rotation that occurs at the shoulders.  For golfers that maintain slightly bent arms prior to and during contact, the hands turn strongly and quickly.

  • Wrist Supination (palm up) and pronation (palm down) - click on the link below to view the video. Kneel in front of the long side of an exercise bench or sit with thighs parallel to ground.  Place the forearm flat on the bench or thigh so that wrist and hand are clear of the surface.  Hold a strength bar or golf club with an neutral grip and the heavier end facing the sky or ceiling.  Turn hand palm down until the bar is parallel to the ground or slightly beyond.  Maintain the forearm and elbow in contact with the bench or thigh and then rotate the forearm and hand in the opposite direction (palm up) until the shaft is parallel or slightly below.  perform 10-15 repetitions and then repeat with the other arm.
Wrist Break – The wrists are cocked in the backswing and remain so during the initial movement of the downswing.  A forceful wrist break which contributes to power and accuracy, begins when the hands are approximately hip height and ends just prior to impact. 

  • Wrist Flex - click on the link below to view the video. Stand with feet shoulder width apart and hold a strength bar or club beside the body with the weighted end pointed to the rear and down so that the wrist is maximally cocked.  Keep the arm straight and raise the weighted end of the bar or club as high as possible.  Relax the muscles slightly and return to the original position while keeping the weight under control.  Pause and then repeat for the desired number of repetitions. Repeat with the other arm.
Arm Rotation – Proper amount and timing of arm rotation creates accuracy and consistency of shots.  The amount of rotation that occurs in the backswing is unwound as the club returns to the initial position for impact.  If we do not fully rotate back, the club remains open and the result is a slice.  Too much rotation may close the club head resulting in a hook.

  • Medial and Lateral Rotation - click on the link below to view the video. Assume your golf stance with the intended arm raise forward.  Hold the bar or club with the weighted end up at an angle away from the body.  Rotate the bar inward so that the weighted end is lowered toward the midline of the body.  From this position, rotate the bar back to the vertical position and then continue in that direction through the full range of motion.  Repeat for the desired number of repetitions and repeat with the other arm.
Finger Grip – The grip consists primarily of the index and middle fingers of the right (trailing) hand and the pinkie, ring, and middle fingers of the left (lead) hand that make full contact on the club.  The initial grip is relaxed to provide feel and club position.  During ball contact, a strong grip and firm wrists help to transfer the power of the downswing to the ball at impact.

  • Finger Flexion - click on the link below to view the video. To develop the fingers to improve the grip, use exer rings, grip developers, old tennis balls, or other flexible balls that can be squeezed.  Squeeze using all fingers with the greatest comfortable force then relax and repeat.  Repeat using only the thumb, index, and middle fingers.  Repeat using only the thumb, ring, and pinkie fingers
Strengthening the muscles required to perform strong, repeatable wrist roll, wrist break, arm rotation, and grip will enable us to transfer the power generated from the hips, core, and shoulders to the ball accurately and consistently.  Adding power, accuracy, and consistency to the swing will result in lower scores and increased enjoyment of the game.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Golf Swing Conditioning and Habit Building – Downswing (Part 1 of 2)

Explosive Golf, Using the Science of Kinesiology to Improve Your Swing is a book by Dr. Michael Yessis that demonstrates ways to enhance your physical approach and understanding of swing mechanics though golf focused training movement.  Try incorporating these routines with your functional fitness work as prescribed by ep golf and build your golf foundation for performance improvement.

Changing or creating habits is not simple or easy.  The mind and body must have repetitions to associate behaviors with contexts.  Establish a routine time to devote to building a foundation for your golf game.  Invest a little time off the course for building or maintaining habits of golf and body fundamentals which will lead to lower scores and fewer golf related injuries.

Downswing – the downswing is the most important element of the golf swing.  It’s the element where we generate the power and explosiveness and transmit energy to the ball.  We must generate the maximum amount of controlled force with the downswing to create maximum club head speed at impact of the ball.  We must integrate strength, flexibility, power, and speed in order to produce the best possible explosive swing.

The hip slide for weight shift begins storage of force and provides the foundation for forward hip rotation.  The hip slide and hip rotation enables us to further improve shoulder rotation and produces greater force during the downswing.  Strengthening the muscles of the hips will produce a more forceful swing and reduce stress on the lower back and shoulders.  The hip slide and hip and shoulder rotation exercises are important to producing our most powerful swing energy.  The other arm and wrist training movements primarily assist with ensuring good ball contact.

Hip Slide – the hip slide, or “getting your hips into the shot”, is the first action in the downswing.  It involves the muscles located on the sides of the hips and holds the pelvis level during the swing and during walking.  During the downswing, the hips remain level and move forward over the front leg.  Immediately after of simultaneous with the weight shift, a hip rotation occurs during which the legs adjust to the new leg-hip position.

  • Hip Joint Abduction - click on the link below to view the video. Secure one end of a flex band to a door knob or other fixed object approximately hip high and the other end affixed around your hips.  Assume the golf stance and when ready, push the hips forward over the front leg. Keep the hips level during the push and hold the shoulders in place to maintain good swing posture.
Forward Hip Rotation – as the weight shift is being completed, the hips begin to rotate and then accelerate toward the target. The left leg becomes the axis of rotation for the hips to create the greatest possible force.  The muscles driving this motion are located on the outside of the forward hips and thigh.  The hip slide and hip rotation (clearing the hips) prior to shoulder rotation provides more effective alignment of the spine and helps create more force while reducing chances of back problems.  The more the hips can rotate forward while the shoulders stay back, the greater the force we can generate from the shoulder rotation.

  • Hip Rotation - click on the link below to view the video. A simple exercise for hip rotation can be performed with flex bands setup as described above. Rotate the hips to the rear as in the backswing but maintain tension on the band. Shift weight onto the front leg and simultaneously turn the hips in the direction of the swing. This movement helps teach correct technique while increasing our ability to generate downswing power.  
Shoulder Rotation – Downswing shoulder rotation is a powerful motion which requires strong abdominal muscles (specifically exterior and opposite interior obliques).  We stretch them during the backswing and place them under more tension as the hips rotate forward while the shoulders stay back.  Keeping the shoulders back until the “hips are cleared” generates more force and enables us to hit the ball greater distances.

  • Reverse Trunk Twist - click on the link below to view the video. A great way to simultaneously strengthen the core and increase flexibility to aid trunk rotation is the reverse trunk twist.  This movement can improve your swing and give you a trimmer waistline.  Lie on your back with arms out perpendicular to the side and palms down.  Raise the legs so that thighs are vertical and together, bend knees slightly if necessary for tight hamstrings and maintain this position throughout the movement.  Rotate the legs to one side while maintaining the 90 degree angle of the hip joints.  Touch the floor with th outside of the knee while keeping the shoulders and arms in contact with the floor.  Next raise the legs up and over to the other side and repeat in alternating manner.
Arm Motion during the downswing – shoulder rotation initiates arm and club movement but as the arms reach chest level, they begin their own motion which continues through contact.  The lead arm begins to turn to the outside and the back arm begins to turn to the inside using the muscles of arms, shoulders, and chest along with the muscles of the rotator cuff.

  • Lead Arm Abduction – click on the link to view the video (link to our video)  Using the flex bands allows us to move the arm in the same manner as the swing.  Secure the band approximately hip high and stand in a side facing position.  Setup bent at the hips as in a golf stance and maintain the position through the motion to simulate the golf swing.  Hold the body sable and pull the lead arm down and then up as it moves across the body.  Shift weight and rotate the hips prior to executing the lead arm pull to further simulate the swing.
  • Back Arm Adduction – click on the link to view the video (link to our video)  The trailing arm straightens and turns to the inside as it moves down and across the body.  Grab the handle and stand far enough away to apply tension to the band in the ready position.  Keep the trailing arm straight and pull down and across the body.
These are the movements that work the major muscle groups that generate power during the downswing.  Work on these to increase club head speed and stabilize the back to reduce chances of injury.

Friday, October 31, 2014

Health Habit Building Tips to Improve Your Golf Game: #4 - Strengthen Your Glutes

In May 2013, Golf Digest published a great article describing a 42 point, six week get fit plan

We’re expanding on the points and adding insights and perspectives. The list was authored by Ben Shear, who trains many of the game's top players, including Luke Donald, Jason Day and Webb Simpson. Embrace his suggestions, and it won't be long before you look better, feel better and, yes, play better golf.

Strengthen the most important muscles in the golf swing: your glutes (buttocks).

We can strengthen the glutes with basic techniques that are relatively simple and accessible to everyone. Doing movements with just our body weight can make a significant impact on both glute development and cardio health if done with enough duration and intensity. Adding resistance, even in small amounts will increase strength and performance to higher levels which will enable more powerful and consistent swing posture and performance. The glutes are engaged when we address the ball prior to the swing and throughout the backswing, downswing, and follow through. They provide a stable foundation for golf and for normal life activities.

Good movements that can strengthen the glutes include:

  • Squat variations: Squatting is a normal, natural movement that we sue when we sit or when we pick up objects off the ground, body-weight squats, squats holding dumbbells or kettelbells, and weighted bar squats will all increase strength of the glutes. Maintaining proper form enables us to perform the movements safely and efficiently.
  • Kettlebell swings: Kettlebell swings will strengthen glutes, grip, back, and shoulders and can simultaneously improve cardio endurance.

  • Good mornings: Good mornings can be done with bodyweight alone or holding a dumb bell or kettlebell for resistance.
  • Deadlifts: A natural movement required for picking up items from the ground. Learn good form before using weight.
  • Walking: Basic human transportation. Walk fast and often, great for the glutes.
  • Sprinting: Occasionally up the intensity of your walking. Intensity improves effectiveness.
  • Stairclimbing: Skip the elevator, walk more stairs, strengthen the glutes, improve your golf game.

Do all of these in order to provide various stresses to your body and strengthen your glutes. But remember, Pound for pound, squatting is the best bang for your buck strength exercise. Squatting makes us stronger by working different large muscle groups. The primary groups include the body movers – the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. In addition, the muscle of our “core” must stabilize the torso and maintain a neutral spine while supporting the load during the movement. The squat is a complex movement that forces coordinated work and the body grows stronger as a unit.

Next we’ll discuss the importance of posture. Let us know your thoughts about strengthening the glutes, water, walking, and sleeping.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Healthy Habit Building Tips to Improve Your Golf Game: #3 - Sleep

In May 2013, Golf Digest published a great article describing a 42 point, six week get fit plan – Click Here to see the Golf Digest plan.

We’re expanding on the points and adding insights and perspectives. The list was authored by Ben Shear, who trains many of the game’s top players, including Luke Donald, Jason Day and Webb Simpson. Embrace his suggestions, and it won’t be long before you look better, feel better and, yes, play better golf.

“Write down how much you sleep each day. Your goal is 60 hours a week.”

Wow, that’s a stretch goal for most of us! Between managing a busy work schedule, balancing family life, getting enough exercise, and practicing our golf game, fitting in 8 and a half hours per night seems practically impossible. A key point to remember here is that sleep is important. Sleep is key, essential, and absolutely downright necessary for our basic physiological operations. Sleep supports our neurological performance, endocrine balance, immune system functioning, and musculoskeletal growth and repair. Our bodies release human growth hormone (HGH)during sleep which is an essential player in cellular regeneration.

Like most aspects of health and fitness, the need for sleep varies by individual. Some of us fall into the range of the seven-eight hours and others of us can’t get by without nine or ten. A few mutants among us hit our optimum with only six or so hours of shut eye but these are truly very rare indeed. Much of our differing sleep needs is determined by age. Babies need the most, while adults require the least. Older adults actually need as much sleep as other adults, in contrast to popular belief. Although sleep patterns become more fragmented as we age, we still need more than we typically get. Sleep still enables critical hormonal secretion (like growth hormone) necessary for healthy aging. One study in particular linked solid sleep with higher levels of testosterone in older men.

Most of us with busy schedules and extreme demands on our time will benefit from more sleep. If you’re not getting 8-8.5 hours per night, make an effort to get 30 minutes more every night for a week and see if you feel differently by the end of the week and see if it impacts your golf game that week. Other suggestions to help you get better sleep include:

Eat a light dinner: lighten up on the size of dinner to help get a deeper sleep

Have a glass of wine: One glass will help you relax and release the day’s pressures. More than one can be detrimental and cause intermittent sleep which will defeat the purpose.

Handful of nuts: eating a few nuts before bed can help you get to sleep faster due to the nutrients they contain.

Write out the reflections of the day: Take a few minutes to write out the accomplishments, tasks, worries, andpressing concerns of the day. In many cases you can arrive at solutions if you don’t try to consciously force them.Recording them before bed will enable your sleeping mind do the work for you and you will be ready to tackle the list refreshed in the morning.

Watch or read briefly: Reading is overall better for your mind than watching television but sometimes intentionally doing something mindless can help you relax. Periodically, perhaps watching a movie can help your sleep. However, if reading helps you fall asleep, then read before bed.

Sleep is good for your health, your life, and your golf game. Develop a strategy for getting more sleep and improving the quality of your sleep. Try to increase the amount of sleep you get for a week and feel the difference for yourself.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Healthy Habit Building Tips to Improve Your Golf Game: #2 - Walk

In May 2013, Golf Digest published a great article describing a 42 point, six week get fit plan – Click Here to see Golf Digest’s plan.

We’re expanding on the points and adding insights and perspectives. The list was authored by Ben Shear, who trains many of the game’s top players, including Luke Donald, Jason Day and Webb Simpson. Embrace his suggestions, and it won’t be long before you look better, feel better and, yes, play better golf.

“Walk. Walk more rounds. Walk to work. Walk to the store. Walk around the block. Walk the dog. Stand up from reading this right now and walk.”

Walking is a great, practical, functional way to build fitness. Man has been walking for millions of years. It was our only source of transportation for most of those years so we are built and well suited for the task. Walking is an essential human activity that has served us well since our ancestors got up on two feet. People in ancient (and some modern) cultures would spend many hours each day walking to get where they wanted to go. The modern advances in transportation technology and digital communication have reduced the amount of walking that we are required to do in our everyday lives so we should make a point to walk more.

Walking is easy, any healthy person can do and some that are not so healthy. Walk with your children, walk with your spouse, walk your dog, walk with your parents or even your grandparents. Enjoy the companionship of a brisk walk and talk. Those that suffer from arthritis can walk and can benefit from walking. Walking is an activity we can do when suffering from back problems and it can help with injury recovery. The elderly can walk and it can help with maintaining balance skills.

Walking is fun. Walking can help us see the work around us in a different way. We can walk places that cars can’t go. Take a walk on a trail through the woods, up a mountain through a forest, along the shore of the ocean or a lake. Enjoy a walk by clearing your mind and experiencing the sights, sounds, and smells of the moment. If you can’t spare 10, 20, or 30 minutes (you should really examine your priorities), take your team with you and have a walking meeting – in a courtyard, out to lunch, or around the parking lot.

We have all the equipment we need. Look down at the ground. You already have the feet which have evolved into effective walking tools over millions of years. At most, you’ll only need a new pair of shoes. You also have the internal predisposition (genetics) for walking as a primary source of transportation.

Walking is a foundation of good health and fitness. It can help reduce body fat. It can improve and manage our “numbers” such as blood glucose and triglyceride levels in the blood. Walking can help elevate our mood and we can mediate while walking to clear the mind and stimulate the brain. We can use walk time as think time to develop new ideas or simply relax and let built up stress fade away.

Walking can have a significant positive impact on your health and you don’t need to spend 10 hours a week doing it. Most scientific studies showing the benefits have people walk for ten, fifteen, thirty minutes at a time. Click Here to read more on the benefits of walking.

You can find that much time each day. Walk a little farther at lunch. Park in the farthest space rather than searching and waiting for the closest space to the door. Take a quick trip around the block with the dog when you get home, she will love it and you will too. You can do it and you will thank yourself when you do.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Healthy Habit Building Tips to Improve Your Golf Game: #1 - Hydration

In May 2013, Golf Digest published a great article describing a 42 point, six week get fit plan. Click here to see the Golf Digest plan.

We’ll be expanding on the points and adding insights and perspectives. The list was authored by Ben Shear, who trains many of the game’s top players, including Luke Donald, Jason Day and Webb Simpson. He says, “Being “fit” can mean a lot of things. It can be anything from having your best blood-pressure reading in a decade to being able to slip into a decommissioned pair of jeans again. When he says “get fit,” what he really means is get fitter.” Embrace his suggestions, and it won’t be long before you look better, feel better and, yes, play better golf.

“Drink more water. A lot more. That’s still not enough.”

Our individual need for water depends on numerous factors. Activity level, body size, environment (humidity level and altitude, most significantly), quality of health, age, and pregnancy/breastfeeding impose the most legitimate variations. In general, we want to replace the fluids we lose in a day, and intensive activity (with its accompanying sweat) will increase the amount of fluid we need. For prolonged, intensive exercise and/or significant water intake, it’s essential to balance salt/electrolytes with water. So playing golf on a hot, humid day may significantly increase the amount of water we need.

Remember that daily water consumption includes water that our bodies extract from other sources such as coffee, tea, soft drinks, beer, and food. That’s right, scientific research does provide evidence that other beverages and foods do contribute to our overall water intake. Even beer can have a positive impact when used in moderation. Conventional Wisdom says that these are diuretics and therefore only increase your requirement for pure water. Of course, that’s not entirely accurate, because coffee, tea, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages do actually add to water intake rather than detract from it. Alcohol and caffeine only become significantly diuretic in very large and otherwise dangerous amounts. Click here for Mark Sisson’s take on water consumption – MD Apple.

That said, water is the best liquid that we can consume to promote adequate hydration.

Fruits and vegetables are very good water sources as well and they can also provide on course energy during a round, especially for the important finishing holes. An apple, pear, or handful of grapes does contribute to your water consumption and will elevate blood sugar for the final holes. That sports drink which also includes salts or electrolytes is not recommended and should be discouraged but can also help during the latter stages of the round if the drink cart is not equipped with fruit.

From an overall health perspective, drink mostly water. Consume fruits and vegetables as a supplemental water source. Coffee, tea, and other beverages also contribute to water intake but don’t consider them your primary sources of water. How much water do we really need? Definitely drink water when you’re thirsty. Our thirst instinct tells us when we need to drink more water. It has been functioning for millions of years and research indicates that we are not already dehydrated when we feel thirsty. We couldn’t have survived as a species for so long if we experienced thirst “too late”. If you’re playing golf on a hot, sunny day, drink plenty of water and other fluids and consume fruits to help you stay healthy and play your best. To explore the research in more detail click here. PDF link

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Golf Swing Conditioning and Habit Building - Backswing

Explosive Golf, Using the Science of Kinesiology to Improve Your Swing is a book by Dr. Michael Yessis that demonstrates ways to enhance your physical approach and understanding of swing mechanics though golf focused training movement.  Try incorporating these routines with your functional fitness work as prescribed by ep golf and build your golf foundation for performance improvement.

Changing or creating habits is not simple or easy.  Forget the 21 day myth.  Scientific research indicates an average of closer to 65 days, more or less depending on the person, the activity, and the frequency of engaging in the behavior.  Off course in the morning or evening, is a great opportunity for building or maintaining habits for a strong foundation of golf fundamentals which will lead to lower scores and fewer golf related injuries.

Backswing – an effective backswing plays an important role in delivering explosive power in the downswing.  When a muscle is actively stretched, it will in turn contract with greater force.  In golf, the muscles involved in the downswing are placed in a stretched position during the backswing.  Increasing flexibility and strength of the muscles involved in the backswing will enable greater trunk and arm movement and increase the distance over which you can generate power during the downswing.

Increasing flexibility and strengthening the muscles involved in the backswing will improve your ability to achieve a full wind up of the trunk and full range shoulder turn.  The greater the coil effect of the backswing, the greater distance over which you can generate power during the downswing.  Shoulder rotation, wrist flexion, arm coiling (across chest), and hip turn all contribute to an effective back swing that prepares the golfer to release the energy required for a powerful shot.

Shoulder or trunk rotation to the rear is an important action in the backswing.  The movement involves low back muscles whose strength, along with midsection flexibility, determines the amount of shoulder rotation you can attain.

  • Shoulder Twist (see video below) A simple movement to strengthen the lower back and develop midsection flexibility is the shoulder twist which can be accomplished with a pole or bar across the shoulders or simply with outstretched arms.  Note: using only outstretched arms will not produce the same level of stretch to the midsection.
  • Back Raise with a Twist (see video below) An extremely effective exercise which adds the resistance of gravity.  Use a balance ball to adjust angles for difficulty and add the element of balance and stability to the movement.
  • Wrist Cock (see video below) Increases the rearward distance that the club head travels during the backswing.  Use a weighted handle or simply grip a club for the movement, the closer you grip to the end of the club will increase resistance.
  • Left Shoulder Joint Active Stretch (see video below) The left arm should be close to the chest for maximum coiling and compactness of the backswing.   A tight coiling action prepares the muscles to pull the left arm down and across explosively in the downswing.
  • Static Right Hip Builder (see video below) The right leg must remain stable during the backswing to prevent lateral weight shift to the rear and to ensure tight coiling of the trunk around the right leg.
Make this backswing series one of your weekly routines.  Do multiple sets if you have the time and capacity.  If you have adequate space in your workout area, take some slow backswings with a club after your strengthening drills as you cool down.  Visualize a full turn and tight coil that is preparing you to launch a powerful stroke toward your target.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Golf Swing Conditioning and Habit Building - Stance

Explosive Golf, Using the Science of Kinesiology to Improve Your Swing is a book by Dr. Michael Yessis that demonstrates ways to enhance your physical approach and understanding of swing mechanics though golf focused training movement. Try incorporating these routines with your functional fitness work as prescribed by ep golf and build your golf foundation for performance improvement.

Changing or creating habits is not simple or easy. Off course in the morning or evening, is a great opportunity for building or maintaining habits for a strong foundation of golf fundamentals which will lead to lower scores and fewer golf related injuries. A combination of general activities for overall body conditioning which strengthen basic muscle groups to increase functional potential and specialized activities that mimic swing movements and actions are keys to improving the golf swing.

Most days, when you arrive home from work (or before you leave if that works better for you), engage in movement activities that will improve your conditioning and improve your game. Activities that will improve the proficiency of your stance, backswing, downswing, and follow through can be mixed or you can focus on one aspect of the swing during each session. Each element is important and each builds upon its predecessor to create a great swing.

Stance – The golf stance refers to the both the body position at address and body position during the swing. When hitting the ball on non-level surfaces, different types of terrain, under tree branches and in heavy rough, you must usually make modifications to the swing. Maintaining a stable position during execution of the swing is a key element to smooth, well-coordinated body actions. Achieving a stable body position with normal spinal curvature when you rotate the hips and shoulders during the golf swing is one of the keys to hitting more accurate and powerful shots in addition to prevention of back injuries.

Relatively strong quadriceps muscles (front of the thigh) and hamstrings (back of the thigh) help maintain a stable lower body during all phases of the golf swing. They also help maintain level hips during weight shift and hip rotation. The knees, hips, and ankles are all involved in maintaining a balanced position with body weight slightly lowered and centered over the feet. The back squat and delay squat are great movements for enabling us to assume and maintain an effective golf stance.

  • Basic Squat: (see video below) Start without any external resistance until you have mastered the movement and can perform at least 25 consecutive repetitions without weight or resistance.
  • Delay Squat: (see video below) During the golf swing, the leg muscles must remain under static contraction to hold a steady position. The delay squat helps develop the muscles involved in maintaining the static posture required.
  • Good Morning: (see video below) Strong hip extensors and lower back muscles are required to maintain the proper trunk position and spinal curvature, both at address and during the swing. The good morning helps develop the muscles responsible for achieving proper and safe curvature of the spine during the swing.
Do these simple movements several times per week. Don’t just go through the movements like a chore. Visualize yourself at address and making a balanced swing from different lies. Play the game in your mind while building a solid stance. Establish a habit of regular golf development and watch your scores come down.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Golf Swing Conditioning and Habit Building - Introduction

Changing or creating habits is not simple or easy. If it were, we would never shank an iron or “peek” at the line before completing our putting stroke, we wouldn’t overeat and would all be thin, and we would all be up early enough to eat a healthy breakfast before work.

The commonly recited 21 day rule for forming or breaking habits is a myth. For most people, breaking and refraining from a bad habit is a lifetime effort, compounded by the fact that our brains form strong associations between activities and their context which never go away. No apparent scientific reason has been established which indicates it should take three weeks to break an old habit or make a new one. Depending on your unique goals, physical, and psychological profile and the activity/habit you which to establish or break, it could take three weeks, it could take five days, or it could take nine months.

Research shows that habits are formed through a process called ‘context-dependent repetition’. For example, imagine that, when you get home each evening, you do a simple exercise. When you first exercise upon getting home, a mental link is formed between the context (getting home) and your response to that context (exercise). Each time you subsequently exercise in response to getting home, this link strengthens, to the point that getting home comes to prompt you to exercise automatically, without giving it much prior thought; a habit has formed.

Habits are mentally efficient: the automation of frequent behaviors allows us to conserve the mental resources that we would otherwise use to monitor and control these behaviors, and deploy them on more difficult or novel tasks. Habits are likely to persist over time; because they are automatic and so do not rely on conscious thought, memory or willpower. We ultimately want to capitalize on this phenomenon of the mental links associated with ‘habits’ in establishing and sustaining our desired behaviors.

If one of your golf game goals is to increase your driving and iron shot distance and accuracy, start with these steps to increase your chances of success:

  • Take small steps and build up gradually. Instead of “I’m going to exercise every single day,” start with “I’m going to do some type of simple exercise at least twice a week right when I get home.”
  • Only try to change one habit at a time. (Instead of “I’m going to quit eating all junk food, start exercising, and go to sleep at 10 p.m. instead of 2 a.m.,” start with “I’m going to walk (weather permitting or do a golf exercise when I get home from work.”)
  • Write down the habit you want to change, and write down specific plans for achieving that goal. Rather than writing “I will exercise,” write, “I will start walking or doing a simple golf exercise 30 minutes twice a week when I arrive home from work.”
  • Repeat the behavior you’re aiming for as often as you can. The more a behavior is repeated, the more likely it is that it will become “instinctive.”
In the coming weeks, we will outline groups of both general and golf specific movements that you can do to improve your overall golf game and conditioning.