Explosive Golf, Using the Science of Kinesiology to Improve Your Swing is a book by Dr. Michael Yessis that demonstrates ways to enhance your physical approach and understanding of swing mechanics though golf focused training movement. Try incorporating these routines with your functional fitness work as prescribed by ep golf and build your golf foundation for performance improvement.
Downswing – the downswing is the most important element of the golf swing. It’s the element where we generate the power and explosiveness and transmit energy to the ball. We must generate the maximum amount of controlled force with the downswing to create maximum club head speed at impact of the ball. We must integrate strength, flexibility, power, and speed in order to produce the best possible explosive swing.
Part 1 of the downswing focused on the primary large muscle groups which generate the primary power for an explosive downswing. Part 2 highlights the smaller but still important muscles of the wrist, arms, and fingers which enable us to strike the ball solidly at contact.
Wrist Roll – after the trailing arm straightens, the arms are held essentially straight and the hands turn as a result of the arm rotation that occurs at the shoulders. For golfers that maintain slightly bent arms prior to and during contact, the hands turn strongly and quickly.
Downswing – the downswing is the most important element of the golf swing. It’s the element where we generate the power and explosiveness and transmit energy to the ball. We must generate the maximum amount of controlled force with the downswing to create maximum club head speed at impact of the ball. We must integrate strength, flexibility, power, and speed in order to produce the best possible explosive swing.
Part 1 of the downswing focused on the primary large muscle groups which generate the primary power for an explosive downswing. Part 2 highlights the smaller but still important muscles of the wrist, arms, and fingers which enable us to strike the ball solidly at contact.
Wrist Roll – after the trailing arm straightens, the arms are held essentially straight and the hands turn as a result of the arm rotation that occurs at the shoulders. For golfers that maintain slightly bent arms prior to and during contact, the hands turn strongly and quickly.
Wrist Break – The wrists are cocked in the backswing and remain so during the initial movement of the downswing. A forceful wrist break which contributes to power and accuracy, begins when the hands are approximately hip height and ends just prior to impact.
Arm Rotation – Proper amount and timing of arm rotation creates accuracy and consistency of shots. The amount of rotation that occurs in the backswing is unwound as the club returns to the initial position for impact. If we do not fully rotate back, the club remains open and the result is a slice. Too much rotation may close the club head resulting in a hook.
Finger Grip – The grip consists primarily of the index and middle fingers of the right (trailing) hand and the pinkie, ring, and middle fingers of the left (lead) hand that make full contact on the club. The initial grip is relaxed to provide feel and club position. During ball contact, a strong grip and firm wrists help to transfer the power of the downswing to the ball at impact.
Strengthening the muscles required to perform strong, repeatable wrist roll, wrist break, arm rotation, and grip will enable us to transfer the power generated from the hips, core, and shoulders to the ball accurately and consistently. Adding power, accuracy, and consistency to the swing will result in lower scores and increased enjoyment of the game.
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