Explosive Golf, Using the Science of Kinesiology to Improve Your Swing is a book by Dr. Michael Yessis that demonstrates ways to enhance your physical approach and understanding of swing mechanics though golf focused training movement. Try incorporating these routines with your functional fitness work as prescribed by ep golf and build your golf foundation for performance improvement.
Follow Through – The follow through carries maximum club head speed through the contact area to ensure delivery of power to the ball. Ideally, it keeps the club head in contact with the ball for the longest possible time in order to deliver the greatest force to the ball. Cutting the follow through short or trying to stop the club early will reduce both distance and accuracy. Momentum is responsible for club movement during the follow through but specific muscles are stretched in order to slow the club down. As the muscles stretch, they develop tension with the ever increasing range of motion until the club is stopped at the end of the swing.
Right (trailing) Arm Horizontal Adduction - In the downswing, the right (trailing) arm moves down and across the body (adduction) and then up and across during the follow through. The muscles on the back of the right (trailing) shoulder and arm play an important role in slowing the club during the follow through and other phases of the golf swing. They play roles in enabling a compact backswing and proper arm rotation during the downswing. They can become injured in the follow through due to the very powerful stretch that they experience. Also, they are small and usually under-developed which also contributes to potential injury.
Follow Through – The follow through carries maximum club head speed through the contact area to ensure delivery of power to the ball. Ideally, it keeps the club head in contact with the ball for the longest possible time in order to deliver the greatest force to the ball. Cutting the follow through short or trying to stop the club early will reduce both distance and accuracy. Momentum is responsible for club movement during the follow through but specific muscles are stretched in order to slow the club down. As the muscles stretch, they develop tension with the ever increasing range of motion until the club is stopped at the end of the swing.
Right (trailing) Arm Horizontal Adduction - In the downswing, the right (trailing) arm moves down and across the body (adduction) and then up and across during the follow through. The muscles on the back of the right (trailing) shoulder and arm play an important role in slowing the club during the follow through and other phases of the golf swing. They play roles in enabling a compact backswing and proper arm rotation during the downswing. They can become injured in the follow through due to the very powerful stretch that they experience. Also, they are small and usually under-developed which also contributes to potential injury.
Side Bending – A powerful weight shift and hip turn will generate spinal side bending in the flow through. If the range of motion exceeds your capabilities or the proper sequence of actions is disrupted, back injury may occur. The muscles of the core and lower back provide stability to the spine and help prevent injury that may occur due to unexpected forces encountered during the swing and follow through.
Spinal Hyperextension – At the completion of the follow through, the swing ends with the back in a reverse-C curve with a hyperextended spine. If the finish is correct, the hips are forward and the shoulders are back. This position requires a strong core and lower back to safely and effectively execute.
Incorporate these golf specific and other core and lower back movements into your weekly activity routines. Developing core and lower back strength will add distance and accuracy to your shots while reducing chances of back injury and pain.